Our commutes have been a blast, frankly. When we did this regularly a few years back I enjoyed chatting with my co-workers and this is no different. They've asked me some questions about peak oil and we've joked about our "land" situations. One guy was raised on a cattle farm about 50 miles south of here near Athens and the other's father-in-law has a cattle ranch about 50 miles north of here. I've got NOTHING except a large family in the area. But if it comes down to packing things up and moving back to the "old farmstead", Athens guy said I could become his foreman. Yeah that's what I'd like to do.
I managed to keep the Mazda parked most of the last two weeks but one day I wanted to take it out and realized someone stole my gasoline. I have to keep this vehicle outside (our 2-car garage has our van and a spare vehicle, a convertible for fun) and someone got into its gas. I had heard reports on the news about gas theft from stations but I hadn't heard much about this. So I got out the gas tank lock I bought right after Katrina and put it back on. (Sometimes it makes the engine light come on but I'll put up with that for now.) Out of curiosity I called Autozone and they are out of stock on these. I suspect they'll be very popular in the coming days.
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